ada yang bisa masukan data excel ke MySQL lewat php g?
ada yang bisa masukan data excel ke MySQL lewat php g?
ini melampirkan atau memasukan isi data excel bos, kalo melampirkan bisa tanya k forum php,
klo data yang ada di file excelnya bisa menggunkan macro, berikut contoh upload ke SQL Server, untuk My SQL tinggal disesuaikan drivernya
Sub sp_UploadEmailUser() Dim lBrs As Long lBrs = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row If lBrs < 5 Then MsgBox "Tidak ada yang akan diUpload", vbInformation, "Info" Exit Sub End If If lBrs > 54 Then MsgBox "Data melebihi 50, yg akan diproses hanya 50", vbInformation, "Info" End If If fn_Scurity() = 0 Then Exit Sub End If 'Declare variables' Set objMyConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Dim strSQL As String 'Open Connection' objMyConn.ConnectionString = _ "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=DB_Name;User ID=userxx;Password=1234;" objMyConn.Open lBrs = IIf(lBrs > 54, 54, lBrs) For i = 5 To lBrs sUser = Range("A" & i).Value sAddress = Range("D" & i).Value 'Set and Excecute SQL Command' strSQL = "update TBL_M_USER set EMAIL_ADDRESS = '" & sAddress & "' where CODE_USER = '" & sUser & "'" 'exec objMyConn.Execute strSQL Range("E" & i).Value = "ü" Range("E" & i).Font.Name = "Wingdings" Next i objMyConn.Close Set objMyConn = Nothing MsgBox "Proses upload data selesai", vbInformation, "Info" End Sub